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We Need More Police

The Defund the police has probably been the worst thing for our society in recent years.

Under the guise of police accountability and reform activists in our city hall began their plans to defame, defang, and defund the police. As a result, we have lawlessness on our streets. Drug dealers sell fentanyl with impunity, drug addicts are dying in record rates. shoplifting, violence against our elders, and home break-ins are all on the rise.

Unfortunately, Connie Chan and Marjan supported London Breed's plan to take 125 Million dollars from the SFPD and redistribute it to her friends running non-profits in San Francisco. We must undo this damage by reversing course on defame, defang, and defund.

What is defame? This is an intentional effort to make cops and police officers look like the bad guys. Too often we hear about police shootings, or other such events but come with garbage opinions from people who think policing works like it does on TV.

So how do we fix that? We need more community involvement with the police. Our monthly captain's meetings are a great start. At these meetings Cpt Canning the Richmond district station captain can articulate the realities of policing in our neighborhood. We need to highlight when officers go above and beyond for our community. I've been doing this with organizations like Asian Peace Officers Association the American Legion Cathay Post and Post 456. At our annual banquets, we honor police and firefighters who go above and beyond to serve our communities As supervisor I'll expand that effort to make sure the whole city knows how much the men and women of the SFPD care about our city.

While the city is busy making the cops look bad and pretending to push through reforms, what they did was install a bunch of cop-hating, anti-public safety people onto the police commission. The commission designed to oversee the police department, ends up making decisions that make it very difficult for officers to do basic things like traffic stops. London Breed and the board of supervisors appoint these people and they refuse to remove them despite the public's demand. As supervisor, I'll work to appoint commissioners who understand the valuable role officers play and make it easier for them to conduct their jobs.

After defunding the police so London could enrich her non-profit friends a lot of officers, retired and transferred to other cities that are friendlier to police. As a result, we have less than half the officers we need. As supervisor, I'll make sure our budget fully funds the staff we need to keep our city safe. I will also personally go out and do the work of recruiting and retaining officers. I'll work with the new mayor and supervisors to create incentives to keep officers living in San Francisco. Such as housing allowance, first choice in public schools for their kids, and funding for advanced training.

However, there are times when officers cross the line or make fatal errors while on the job. We can prevent that by making sure our officers receive continual training and support. But to do that we need to have enough officers to cover the gaps. Many cities in the US are now paying for their officers to train in Brazilian Jui-Jitsu, besides the health benefits to the officers. Cities like St. Paul Saw the data showed reductions of:

  • 37 percent in the use of force.

  • 68 percent in officers using strikes.

  • 51 percent in the use of chemical irritants.

  • 39 percent in Taser deployment.

  • 44 percent in injuries to people being arrested.

  • 25 percent in injuries to officers.

I would challenge anyone who doesn't think this is a positive move. So I will work to make sure the city covers the cost of a BJJ gym membership and the officer gets paid for the training they do. This is one example of how we can have a highly trained professional police force.

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